Blogs and Free Resources

Here at PESI, our mission is to provide professionals like you with FREE practical and valuable tools, strategies, and resources to assist with the great work you do. Find expert tips, helpful worksheets, demonstration videos, CE, news, and more here. Happy learning!
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Self-Regulation and Mindfulness

Simple techniques for teaching all ages

Varleisha (Gibbs) Lyons, Ph.D., OTD, OTR/L

Looking for an easy way to teach young clients about self-regulation and mindfulness? Try this simple, short story from my new book, “Self-Regulation and Mindfulness: Over 82 Exercises & Worksheets for Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD, & Autism Spectrum Disorder.”


The Energetic Exhale

The incredibly simple and powerful mindfulness practice that only takes a second...

We all experience times of anxiety, stress, frustration, anger and impatience. But getting stuck in these states can take a tremendous toll on our bodies, impair our thinking, and make it difficult to speak or act effectively.That's why I teach my clients this powerfully effective mindfulness practice that can calm our nervous system in seconds...


Letting Go of Anger

A simple skill to successfully manage teen anger

Float on a Cloud is a popular and highly effective tool to manage not only a teen's anger, but also those underlying, super-strong feelings felt immediately before anger such as: frustration, fear, hurt, failure, humiliation, shame, sadness, rejection, distrust, jealousy, inadequacy, and insecurity. Just follow these 4 simple steps...


My Journey as a Doctor Treating Pain

What science has taught me about pill-free approaches to pain management

What causes chronic pain when the area that hurts hasn't been physically impacted? We suspect that childhood trauma, adult trauma, prolonged exposure to opioids, and prolonged exposure to pain are just some of the triggers. We know that pills or surgery can't fix this — but behavioral therapy can...


Treating Chronic Pain

Pill-Free Approaches to Move People From Hurt To Hope

There's a myth that opioid pain medications are the strongest painkillers we have. It's not true.

Let me show you the science, and what you should do to treat chronic pain.


The Rise of Suicide and Trauma in Teens

How "13 Reasons Why" Missed the Mark

Whether you find the show compelling or troublesome, one thing is certain: We need to talk about the rise of teen suicide and trauma in kids and teens. That’s why we created a free, one hour online CE seminar designed for clinicians, educators, and even parents to learn how to talk about suicide and mental health with teens. Read more to get instant access...


The Physical Assessment Companion Infographic

A FREE digital resource

PESI, Inc.

Whether you're using this Assessment Companion when evaluating your patients, or as a tool to help explain a diagnosis, this meaningful graphic can support your goal for exceptional care.


When Therapeutic Breathing Isn't Effective

You don't always have to know what's going on with your clients in order to help them...I had a client that just didn't benefit from therapeutic breathing, so I tried something different. Let me show you in this short video.


Heart Care Made Easier: A free high-quality visual tool for cardiac care

PESI, Inc.

Whether you're using it to help your patients understand their diagnoses, or for a reference when considering disease progression or abnormal diagnostic test results, this high-quality visual can support your goal for exceptional care. And it's free...


S.T.O.P.: An MBSR Practice for Developing Awareness

One of the things we practice in MBSR is becoming aware of the triggers of dissatisfaction and suffering. A wonderful way to maintain a greater sense of well-being is the ability to notice when things get a little off kilter and we start to experience unhappiness. It is in this moment that we can use the method of S.T.O.P. to allow ourselves to listen with open hearts and minds and commit to being freer and happier.


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