Product Detail

Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing Certification - RNC-NIC®
Package - Audio
$249.99 USD
Currently Unavailable
Product Details
Package - Audio   Instructions
Multi-disc CD recording (13 hours, 46 minutes) with electronic manual and instructions.
PESI HealthCare
CE Available:
Yes, See CE credit tab for complete continuing education details
Product Code:
At the completion of this program, you should be able to:

  1. Identify the importance of knowing maternal risk factors and how they may affect the fetus.
  2. Recognize normal and abnormal variations when performing a physical assessment.
  3. Identify risk factors present at birth that may impact the outcome of the fetus/neonate.
  4. Discuss various conditions in the neonate, including their pathophysiology, management and outcomes (respiratory, neurological, cardiac, genitourinary, hematopoietic and gastrointestinal).
  5. Discuss inborn errors of metabolism and identify their symptoms.
  6. Discuss various Endocrine disorders common in the neonatal period.
  7. Identify risk factors for neonatal sepsis, treatment and outcomes for the infant with sepsis.
  8. Identify test-taking strategies that may be useful.
  9. Discuss various professional and ethical issues pertaining to neonatal nursing.
  10. Identify and understand the components of a research question.

  1. Maternal Risk Factors
    1. Effects of Maternal Medical Complications and Risk Factors
    2. Significant Findings
    3. Recognize Neonatal Significance of Fetal Heart Rate
  2. Patterns
    1. Effects of Maternal Medications on the Neonate
    2. Obstetrical Emergencies and Difficult Labors
  3. Gestational Age Assessment and Physical Assessment
    1. Performing a Gestational Age Assessment
    2. Physiological and Neurological Characteristics and Associated Risks
    3. Performing a Physical Assessment
    4. Recognizing Normal and Abnormal Findings
  4. Resuscitation and Stabilization
    1. NRP
    2. Use of Medications
    3. Unusual Circumstances
  5. Fluids and Electrolytes
    1. Normal Fluid Requirements
    2. Specific Problems
    3. Parenteral Fluid Therapy
  6. Nutrition and Feeding
    1. Nutritional Requirements
    2. Enteral Feeding
    3. Dietary Supplements
    4. Special Circumstances
  7. Oxygenation/Ventilation and Acid Base Management
    1. Oxygenation
    2. Methods of Ventilation
    3. Blood Gases
  8. Thermoregulation
    1. Mechanisms of Heat Loss
    2. Management of Thermoregulation Problems
  9. Pharmacology
    1. Principles of Pharmacology
    2. Drug Calculations
    3. Common Drug Management of the Drug-Exposed Infant
  10. Developmental Care
    1. Neurobehavioral Development
    2. Environmental Impact
    3. Intervention and Strategies
    4. PainCardiac
    5. Cyanotic vs. Acyanotic Diseases
    6. Congenital Heart Defects
    7. Arrhythmias
    8. PDA
  11. Respiratory
    1. Normal Pulmonary Function
    2. Specific Respiratory Problems and Their Therapies
  12. Gastrointestinal
    1. Normal Maturation of the GI Tract
    2. Specific GI Problems
  13. Genitourinary Care
    1. Specific Genital and Urinary Tract Problems
    2. Renal Function
  14. Hematopoietic
    1. Interpretation of Lab Values
    2. Administering Blood Products
    3. Hyperbilirubinemia
    4. Specific Hematological Problems
  15. Neurological and Neuromuscular
    1. Birth Injuries
    2. Hydrocephalus
    3. Neural Tube Defects
    4. IVH and PVL
  16. Infectious Disease
    1. Lab Values
    2. Neonatal Sepsis and Meningitis
    3. Viral and Fungal Infections
    4. Infection Control
  17. Metabolic/Endocrine
    1. Newborn Screening
    2. Glucose Homeostasis
    3. Specific Metabolic and Endocrine Issues
    4. Genetic Disorders
  18. Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat
    1. ROP
    2. Cleft Palate and Lip
  19. Discharge Planning and Follow-up
    1. Grieving Process
    2. Family Integration
    3. Professional Issues
      1. Research
      2. QI
      3. Patient Safety
      4. Legal Issues


PAMELA ANN HARRIS-HAMAN, BSN, CRNP, NNP-BC, RNC-NIC Pamela Harris-Haman, BSN, CRNP, NNP-BC, RNC-NIC, is a neonatal nurse practitioner with over 30 years' experience in the neonatal intensive care setting. Her experiences in care range through the continuum of neonatology. Pamela has been certified in Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing, RNC-NIC, since 1988. She is a Lead S.T.A.B.L.E. Instructor, Regional NRP Trainer, and Mentor Trainer for Helping Babies Breath. Pamela is currently Vice-President of the Nurse Practitioners of Central Pennsylvania and member of NANN, ANN, AAP-Section of Perinatology, and AWHONN.

Pamela received her BSN from Pennsylvania State University and her certificate as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner from Georgetown University. She is currently enrolled at Stony Brook University in New York. Babies and education are Pamela's passions and she wishes to share them with you, to encourage and assist you to achieve the goal of certification. Her desire is to provide you with a quality, comprehensive review of neonatal nursing that will assist you in preparing to take a neonatal nursing exam. Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Pamela Harris-Haman is receiving a fee for speaking at this educational activity.

Nonfinancial: Pamela Harris-Haman has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose.
Continuing Education Credits
For U.S. and Canadian customers, CE is available for $19.99 USD per participant. International CE rates may vary; please contact our Customer Service at 1-800-844-8260 for more details.

Listed below are the continuing education credit(s) currently available for this non-interactive self-study package. Please note, your state licensing board dictates whether self study is an acceptable form of continuing education. Please refer to your state rules and regulations.

Certificates of Successful Completion will be emailed, faxed or mailed to participants completing the post-test/evaluation and paying the CE fee.

**Materials that are included in this course may include interventions and modalities that are beyond the authorized practice of mental health professionals. As a licensed professional, you are responsible for reviewing the scope of practice, including activities that are defined in law as beyond the boundaries of practice in accordance with and in compliance with your professions standards.

All members of the PESI, Inc. planning committee have provided disclosures of financial relationships with ineligible organizations and any relevant non-financial relationships prior to planning content for this activity. None of the committee members had relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies or other potentially biasing relationships to disclose to learners. For speaker disclosures, please see the faculty biography.

Nurses/Nurse Practitioners/Clinical Nurse Specialists - Credit Expired: 4/14/2017
No CE available for this board.

California Nurses: PESI, Inc. is a provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #:17118 for 12.0 self-study contact hours.

You will need to provide your license number to PESI. PESI must have this number on file in order for your hours to be valid.

Florida Nurses:
PESI, Inc. is an approved provider by the Florida Board of Nursing. Provider #: FBN2858. These materials qualify for 12.0 self-study contact hours.

Iowa Nurses: PESI, Inc. is an approved provider by the Iowa Board of Nursing. Provider #: 346. Nurses successfully completing these self-study materials will earn 14.4 self-study contact hours.

Copies of the evaluation may be sent to the IBON. You will need to provide your license number to PESI. PESI must have this number on file in order for your hours to be valid.

Other Professions
This self-study activity qualifies for 12.0 clock hours of instructional content as required by many national, state and local licensing boards and professional organizations. Retain your certificate of completion and contact your board or organization for specific filing requirements.

Disclaimer: **Information obtained in this course should be used within your scope of practice.
**It is your ethical responsibility to report accurate hours to your licensing board.
**All self-study participants must complete and pass (80% or better) a post-test and evaluation prior to receiving a certificate of completion. If you require a copy of the test/evaluation for CE purposes, please print at the time you take the test. Or you may call our customer service department and a copy of your test/evaluation will be emailed to you. Please allow 30-45 days.

Advanced Practice Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Neonatal Nurses, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Registered Nurses