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The Complete In Detail Series
Package - Video
$999.95 USD
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Product Details
Package - Video   Instructions
Multi-disc DVD recording with electronic manual and instructions.
PESI HealthCare
CE Available:
Yes, See CE credit tab for complete continuing education details
Product Code:
[+] [-] 075375 - The Heart in Detail
  1. Describe the basic electrophysiology of the heart: Electrical versus mechanical function.
  2. Utilize the “Thumbs Technique” to determine the ventricular axis of the heart.
  3. Review the more common cardiac arrhythmias and discuss the causes.
  4. Define hemodynamic principles in the body.
  5. Relate coronary artery perfusion to cardiac musculature and the conduction system.
  6. Interpret ischemia, injury, and infarction patterns on a 12-lead ECG, 15-lead, and right-sided ECG.
  7. Integrate new evidenced-based guidelines to treat Acute Coronary Syndrome.
  8. Explain the process of valvular dysfunction and state treatments for aortic and mitral valve disease.
  9. Describe heart failure and relate physical assessment findings to hemodynamic parameters in a patient with decompensated heart failure.
  10. State the evidenced-based treatments to include medications and invasive procedures for chronic and acute heart failure.
  11. Differentiate dilated from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
  12. Discuss pericarditis to include causes, ECG changes and treatment modalities.

[+] [-] 075380 - The Immune System in Detail
At the completion of this program, you should be able to:

  1. Identify mechanisms of the first line of immune defense.
  2. List several types of leukocytes and their functions.
  3. Explain the function of immunological memory.
  4. Describe the three main components of the inflammatory response.
  5. Summarize inflammatory response to major illness.
  6. Discuss patient care needs associated with selected immune disorders.

[+] [-] 075915 - The Brain In Detail
At the completion of this program, you should be able to:
  1. Define the anatomy and physiology of the neurological system and how this manifests in physical symptoms.
  2. Identify neurologic assessment modalities and the connection between how the brain works and the visual assessment.
  3. Categorize interventions and strategies for patients with traumatic brain injury based on the pathophysiological process and the long-term effects from these injuries.
  4. Describe how chemical imbalances and impulses create disorders such as dementias and Parkinson’s disease.
  5. Describe the best method for patient education based upon the knowledge of the pathophysiology of the most common neurological conditions.

[+] [-] 076460 - The Lungs in Detail
  1. Compare and contrast negative-pressure ventilation with positive-pressure ventilation.
  2. Describe the relationship between ventilation and perfusion.
  3. Compare and contrast normal and abnormal chest x-ray findings.
  4. Describe the desired outcomes of properly applied mechanical ventilation.
  5. Compare and contrast volume and pressure control mechanical ventilation.

[+] [-] 076475 - The Kidneys in Detail
  1. Analyze how the kidneys filter waste products and maintain normal levels of fluid and electrolytes.
  2. Interpret BUN and creatinine in a clinical setting and understand why they become abnormal.
  3. Describe why hyperkalemia and hyperphosphatemia occur in patients with kidney disease and how they are treated.
  4. Identify the role the kidneys play in blood pressure control and bone health.
  5. Identify those patients at risk for chronic kidney disease and acute kidney injury.
  6. Explain the relationship between diseases such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension and declining kidney function.
  7. Recognize medications that are useful for treating kidney disease and those that pose a risk for patients with kidney disease.

[+] [-] 075375 - The Heart in Detail

Understanding Electrical & Mechanical Functions

  • Conduction System
  • Waveforms
  • The NEED TO KNOW Arrhythmias
  • Hemodynamic Function
    • Cardiac Output
    • Preload
    • Afterload
    • Contractility
  • Heart Rate
  • Normal Heart Sounds
    • S1, S2
  • Abnormal Heart Sounds
  • Murmurs: Differentiating Systolic from Diastolic
  • S3/S4 Gallops
  • Compensatory Mechanisms
    • Maintaining Cardiac Output & Blood Pressure

    Coronary Artery Perfusion

  • In Relation to: Cardiac Musculature & Conduction System
  • Lead Placement
  • 5-Lead Monitoring
  • 12-Lead, 15-Lead and Right-sided ECG
  • Caring for Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome

  • Differentiating Between Ischemia, Injury & Infarct
  • A Systematic Approach for Detection on the ECG
  • Pharmacological Therapies
  • AHA Guidelines: When to Use & Why Dual Anti-Platelet Therapy
    • Beta Blockers
    • ACE Inhibitors
    • Anticoagulation
    • Statins
    • Mechanism of Action

    Heart Failure: Which Organs are Really Affected?

  • Neurohormonal Activation
    • Sympathetic Nervous System
    • Renin-Angiotensin System
    • Aldosterone System
  • Perfusion & Congestion Assessment
  • Differentiating Chronic from Acute HF
  • The Importance of Unloading the Heart
  • Non-Invasive Diagnostic Evaluation
  • Evidence-Based Treatment
  • What are the BUN & Creatinine Saying?
  • Valvular Heart Disease: Why the Left Side

  • Contrasting Stenotic Valvular Dysfunction from
  • Insufficiency
  • Physical Assessment Clues
  • Signs & Symptoms
  • Associated Murmurs
  • Other Cardiac Disease Pathologies

  • Pericarditis
    • A Good Imposter of Myocardial Infarction
  • Cardiomyopathies
    • Contrasting Dilated from Hypertrophic

    Advanced Skills in Assessment & Decision-Making

  • Creating a Hemodynamic Profile without a PAC
  • Assessing Volume Status
  • Jugular Vein Distention
  • Importance of Pulse Pressure
  • The Value of Heart Sounds

  • [+] [-] 075380 - The Immune System in Detail
    1. Immunity: Overview and Definitions
      1. Self versus nonself
      2. Role of antigens (Immunogens)
    2. The Immune System
      1. Lymphoid (Immune) system
      2. Structure and function
      3. Biological role of C system
    3. Major Histocompatibility Complex
      1. Classes of MHC antigens
      2. Role of MHC antigens in transplants and autoimmunity
      3. Autoimmunity
    4. The Immune Response: Putting it all together
      1. Afferent limb
      2. Efferent limbs
      3. Goal of afferent and efferent is to react with the immunogen and render it inactive
      4. Primary response
      5. Secondary responses
      6. Types of immunity
      7. Hypersensitivity reactions
      8. Immunodeficiency disorders
    5. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Organ-Specific Autoimmune Disease
      1. Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP)
      2. Multiple Sclerosis
      3. Guillain-Barré Syndrome
      4. Myasthenia Gravis
      5. Rheumatic fever
      6. Addison’s disease
      7. Type I Diabetes Mellitus
      8. Goodpasture syndrome
    6. Systemic Autoimmune Disease
      1. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
      2. Rheumatoid Arthritis
      3. Progressive Systemic
      4. Sclerosis (scleroderma)
    7. Serum Sickness
      1. Exposure to penicillin and sulfonamides
    8. ABO Blood Group Antigens
      1. Blood typing
      2. Rh factor
    9. Diagnostic Tests
      1. Urine studies
      2. Radioisotope studies
      3. CT and MRI
      4. Biopsies
      5. Laboratory studies
    10. Inflammatory Reaction
      1. Gross features of acute inflammation
      2. Fluid aspects of inflammation
      3. Cellular aspects of inflammation
      4. Mediation of inflammation
      5. Types of leukocytes
    11. Patterns of Inflammation
      1. Acute
      2. Chronic
      3. Noncellular exudates
      4. Cellular exudates
    12. Factors Affecting Inflammation and Healing
      1. Impaired circulation
      2. Decreased leukocytes in the circulating blood
      3. Drug inhibitory effects
      4. Malnourishment
      5. Poor approximation of wound edges
    13. Shock and Multi-organ Dysfunction
      1. Definitions (Exhibit A)
      2. Stages of shock
      3. Treatment measures for shock
    14. Antibiotic-Resistant Organisms
      1. Organisms develop resistance to classic agents and newer agents
      2. Genetic and biochemical mutations to evade pharmacology
      3. Inappropriate use of antibiotic is a major factor contributing to resistance

    [+] [-] 075915 - The Brain In Detail
    1. The Brain Revealed
      1. The structure and function of components of the mechanical, endocrine and electrical systems of the brain
    2. Anatomy
      1. Life of a neuron
      2. Brain structure
      3. Spinal cord
      4. Peripheral Nervous System
      5. Autonomic Nervous System
      6. Aging and the Nervous System
    3. Assessment
      1. Cranial Nerves
      2. Motor Function
      3. DTRs
      4. Levels of Consciousness
      5. Intracranial Pressure
    4. Diagnostic Tests
      1. Lumbar Puncture
      2. CAT/MRI
      3. Angiogram
      4. EEG
    5. Mental, Physical, Emotional: Connections and Detachments
      1. They work together to maintain homeostasis; but what does it look like when they go astray - and why?
    6. Spinal Disorders
      1. Herniated Disc
      2. Spinal Stenosis
      3. Spinal Cord Injury
      4. D egenerative Neuromuscular Disorders
      5. Huntington’s Chorea
      6. Multiple Sclerosis
      7. Myasthenia Gravis
      8. Amytropic Lateral Sclerosis
      9. Guillain-Barré Syndrome
    7. Cranial Nerve Disorders
      1. Trigeminal Neuralgia
      2. Bell’s Palsy
      3. Ménière’s Disease
    8. Common Neurological Conditions: What Happens and Why
    9. Central Nervous System Disorders
      1. Headaches
      2. Cerebral Vascular Disorders: TIA and Stroke Aneurysms
      3. Seizure Disorders
      4. Traumatic Brain Injuries
      5. Brain Tumors
      6. E ffects of Alcohol and Alcoholism on the Brain
    10. Error Messages: What is the Brain Trying to Tell Us?
      1. Dementias
      2. Parkinson’s Disease
      3. Depression

    [+] [-] 076460 - The Lungs in Detail

    The Lung Revealed

    • From Airway to Alveolar Capillary Membrane
    • The Mechanics of Breathing
    • Resistance and Compliance
    • Gas Exchange
    • Relating Form and Function: The Ins and Out, Wherefores and Whys of an Integrated Assessment

    Oxygen Delivery and Consumption

    • Oxygenation, Ventilation and Perfusion
    • Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve
    • Minute Ventilation (RR x TV)
    • Oxygen Delivery vs. Oxygen Demand

    Common Pulmonary Conditions: How and Why They Upset the Balance

    • Acute Pulmonary Edema
      • Predisposing Factors: Begin with the End in Mind
      • Pathophysiology: Changes in Surfactant = Changes in Compliance and Oxygenation
      • Presentation and Emergent Management: It’s Over in a Flash!
    • COPD
      • Presentation: Why the Pursed lips and Barrel Chest?
      • Pathophysiology: It’s All About the Alveolar Septum!
      • Projected Clinical Course: PROACTIVE not Reactive!
    • Pulmonary Embolism
      • The Role of D-Dimer
      • An Integrated Approach to Assessment
      • Charting a Proactive Projected Clinical Course
    • Asthma
      • Pathology and Pharmacology
      • Airway Smooth Muscle
      • Edema
      • Infection and Inflammation
      • Rate Control

    Less Common Pulmonary Disorders: Why They Take Your Breath Away

    • ARDS
      • Avian influenza, Various Viruses, Drowning and more…!
      • Assessment Findings…
      • Advanced Ventilation strategies…
      • Recruitment: APRV and HFOV…
    • Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
      • Risk Factors and Reimbursement: Begin with the End in Mind
      • Risk Management: An ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure!
    • Pulmonary Hypertension
      • Hypertension Pathophysiology: It Gets You Right in the Heart!
      • Hidden Clues: Relating Physical
      • Assessment to Pharmacologic Management…

    [+] [-] 076475 - The Kidneys in Detail

    The Kidneys Revealed

    • Structural Components
    • Functions
      • Fluid regulation
      • Waste filtration
      • Electrolyte Control
      • Hormone Regulation
      • Blood pressure control
      • Bone metabolism: vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, and parathyroid hormone

    Electrolytes and the Kidneys

    • Potassium
    • Calcium
    • Magnesium
    • Phosphorus
    • Glucose

    Kidneys and Fluids: The Balancing Act

    • Osmoregulators
    • Sodium Levels
    • Normal volemic states
    • Hyponatremia
    • General Management Principles

    Renal Dysfunction

    • Acute Renal Failure
      • Diagnostic Tests
      • Labs and Results
      • Presentation (Signs/ Symptoms)
    • Chronic Renal Failure
      • Risk Factors
      • Progression
      • Signs and Symptoms
      • Treatments



    Sean G. Smith, MSc, FP-C, C-NPT, CEN, CFRN, CTRN, TCRN, CPEN, CCRN-CMC (Adult), CCRN-K (Neonatal), CCRN-K (Pediatric), is a humanitarian/flight nurse-paramedic who is triple board-certified in neonatal, pediatric, and adult critical care and emergency medicine. He brings 30+ years of education and team/leadership experience to his presentations from a career that includes global health, tropical medicine, research molecular neuroendocrinology, nuclear engineering technology, US Navy aviation/NASA manned space flight support, and high-performance teams/high yield pedagogy, dozens of national/international conference presentations and various awards and honors. Author/co-author/review credits include a best-selling laboratory medicine textbook, a chapter on shock in Nursing Core Curriculum a section in the newly released Resuscitation Crisis Manual, numerous other industry standard textbooks, and several professional association critical care/emergency medicine curriculums and board certification review courses (AACN, ANN, ENA, SCCM, etc.). Additionally, Sean routinely consults on clinical, legal, and certification matters for numerous high-profile hospital systems (Yale, Mayo, etc.). He holds a MSc in Pharmacy/Forensic Science, bachelor’s degrees in business administration, nursing, and molecular biology, and post graduate certificates in Forensic Death Investigation, Legal Consulting, and Tropical Medicine. In addition to being active in a number of professional associations (SCCM, AACN, WADEM, etc.), Sean is a life member of Mensa, The Emergency Nurses Association, and the Air Surface Transport Nurses Association. He has served on the executive committees and in various leadership roles of numerous charities and professional associations and has led/participated in 50+ medical missions (Dominican Republic, Honduras, Morocco, Liberia, Nepal, Iraq, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Haiti). Sean served as a clinician and educator during the largest Ebola and Cholera outbreaks in recent history and is currently active building sustainable neonatal-pediatric cardiac critical care capacity in Iraq, as well as serving as part of a national level multidisciplinary child sexual assault forensics team in Guyana, South America. Hobbies include Scuba diving and vintage science kits, tube amplifiers and motorcycles. Speaker Disclosures:
    Financial: Sean Smith is an independent contractor. He receives a speaking honorarium and recording royalties from PESI, Inc. He has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
    Non-financial: Sean Smith is a member of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses.


    CATHY LOCKETT, RN, MHA, BSN, CCRN-K Cathy Lockett, RN, MHA, BSN, CCRN-K., has been practicing critical care nursing for over 35 years. Her critical care background includes working in medical, surgical, neuro, cardiac, cardiovascular care, and critical care transport with most of her clinical experience in the areas of medical cardiology and cardiovascular surgery. She has provided cardiovascular care in the role of staff nurse, preceptor, educator, supervisor and manager.

    Utilizing her vast knowledge and experience, Cathy has presented on numerous topics related to cardiac and pulmonary care, including advanced and basic EKG interpretation, the heart in detail, hemodynamic monitoring, basic and advanced arrhythmia, pulmonary diseases and IABP therapy. Additionally, Cathy is a Training Center Faculty member for the American Heart Association in the disciplines of Basic Life Support, Advanced Life Support, and Pediatric Advanced Life Support. Cathy is also a former co-owner of an educational healthcare company.

    Cathy’s teaching style is dynamic and high-energy while remaining informal and easy to understand. Attending this seminar will enhance your learning experience, improve your long-term retention of key concepts and provide more effective patient care. Cathy’s teaching style indeed personifies that learning can be fun and informative. Speaker Disclosures:
    Financial: M. Cathy Lockett is an independent contractor and receives a speaking honorarium and recording royalties from PESI, Inc. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
    Non-financial: M. Cathy Lockett has no relevant non-financial relationships.


    Carla J. Moschella, MS, PA-C, RD, is a physician assistant and registered dietitian with over 25 years of clinical experience in internal medicine, gastroenterology, and internal medicine. She received her Master of Science degree in Medical Dietetics from Framingham State College in Massachusetts and her Physician Associate Certificate from Yale University School of Medicine. She was employed for several years as a physician assistant in nephrology at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. In that capacity, she managed patients with all stages of chronic kidney disease, including those who were undergoing evaluation for a kidney transplant and those who already had received one.

    Carla has lectured at many national and state conferences on kidney disease, including at the National Kidney Foundation's annual meetings, at the physician assistant's national conference in New Orleans, and at several physician assistant state associations, including Arizona, Maine, Massachusetts, and Vermont. She is the author of the chapter on nephrology in Lange Q&A Physician Assistant Examination, published by McGraw-Hill, the PA text for preparation for the national certifying and recertifying exams. She authored an article on the National Kidney Foundation's practice guidelines for chronic kidney disease in the Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants, and she co-authored an article entitled, "Interaction between cyclosporin A and Hypericum perforatum (St. John's wort) following organ transplantation" in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases. Carla is a member of Pi Alpha, the national honor society for physician assistants, and Alpha Eta, the national honor society for allied health professionals.

    Speaker Disclosures:

    Financial: Carla Moschella an employment relationship with Logistics Health Inc. She receives speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.

    Non-financial: Carla Moschella has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.


    ANGELICA DIZON, MD, MSN, MBA-HCM, BSN, RN, NP-C Angelica Dizon, MD, MSN, MBA-HCM, BSN, RN, NP-C,is a physician, advanced care practitioner and a registered nurse, with more than two decades of experience in clinical practice. Angelica serves as the director of clinical services in one of the leading home healthcare agencies in Maryland. She has extensive past experiences both in the acute care and long-term care settings as well. Her diverse experiences provide her with unique perspectives on the importance of an in-depth understanding of pathophysiology. As a clinician, she sees complicated patient cases that require a keen understanding of overlapping disease processes. Angelica enjoys sharing her expertise and excels at putting complex topics in to a plain English approach. As such, she is a sought-after presenter, sharing her vast knowledge with experienced interdisciplinary audiences across the country. Disclosures:

    Financial: Angelica F. Dizon is a faculty member for Radians College. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.

    Nonfinancial: Angelica F. Dizon has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose.
    Continuing Education Credits Awarded for Completion of Entire Package
    [+] [-] Combined Continuing Education Credit From All Components
    Breakdown of Continuing Education Credits by Components
    [+] [-] 075375 - The Heart in Detail
    [+] [-] 075380 - The Immune System in Detail
    [+] [-] 075915 - The Brain In Detail
    [+] [-] 076460 - The Lungs in Detail
    [+] [-] 076475 - The Kidneys in Detail
    Nurses, Cardiovascular Technicians, Nurse Practitioners, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Physician Assistants, Licensed Practical Nurses, Advanced Practice Nurses, Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapy Assistants, Physical Therapist, Physical Therapist Assistants, Respiratory Care Practitioners, and other Healthcare Professionals, Certified Diabetes Educators